King Inspection Services INC. > Our Services
Structural integrity is only as dependable as the materials used in the process. KingISI’s team of professionals conduct construction quality control testing of soils with deep foundation inspections including caisson, auger cast pile, driven pile and soil testing including soil bearing for shallow foundations, monitoring structural fill, soil/aggregate compaction and relative density.
Services Include:
Standard and Modified Proctors
Unconfined Compressive Strength Tests on Soil & Rock
Specific Gravity Determination
Moisture Content
Visual Classification
Loss by Wash
In-Place Field Density Tests (Percent Compaction by Nuclear Density Meter, Sand Cone)
Hand and Housel Penetrometer Tests
Soil Backfill Control Testing
Grain Size Analysis/Atterberg Limits
One-dimensional Consolidation
California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
Triaxial Shear Tests (UU, CU, CD)
Direct shear
Flexible Wall & Constant Head Permeability
Percentage of Organics Determination (LOI)
Determination of Optimum Percentage of Cement Stabilization.