The New Wave of Special Inspection, Fiber-Reinforced Polymer. (FRP)

Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) systems are designed to increase the structural performance of existing Concrete and Masonry Fibrwrap Construction,
Also can be useful PCCP, RC and steel pipes.
Composite system can be used to strengthen existing Concrete Beams, Columns, Slabs, Structural connections and Masonry walls.
Approved Primer with 2 Part Epoxy, Saturated Mesh layers per manufactures designs
The FRP is Installed by approved / certified applicators, these systems offer solutions for seismic retrofitting, corrosion strengthening, change of use or even the correction of an existing defect due to a construction.
Our Approved Inspectors have been involved in Parking Structures, Office Buildings, Government Projects, Homes and many other structures.
These buildings have been both occupied and unoccupied at the time of retrofit.
The potential structural uses include the following,
Concrete Beams, Columns, Slabs, CMU Walls, etc.........
Shear strengthening
Displacement-ductility enhancement
Single-bending, double-bending, flexural/moment increase
Axial load (circular, rectangular) enhancement
Torsion strengthening
Inspection Verifies:
All Preparation completed all areas grinder smooth, no pretensions, cleaned prior to application.
Verified correct proportions and mixing of Typo S parts -A and B, per manufactures /QCM Specifications.
Primer evenly applied with required hold time prior to placement, all mesh hand saturated, Even appearance, hand rolled , no bubbles or breaks.
Cabosil added where needed to fill in floor deficiencies , between subsequent layers and finish edges. Light dusting of Clean sand completed.
Approved Drawings and Manufactures Instructions, FRP CSP/2 Requirements
Temperature, Moisture and Dew Points at time of Application.

Vertical Applications, Cracked Repair for Concrete Wall
Horizontal Applications, Cracked Repair for Concrete Deck Slab.

Approved Material Testing
Pipe Repairs