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Masonry Special Inspection and Material Testing

Masonry construction involves the laying of brick, concrete block, or stone in beds of mortar, the installation of accessory items, and sometimes reinforcement. One of the most important operations is mixing mortar batches that are correctly and consistently proportioned to produce mortar with adequate strength and durability.

International Code Council states that the Structural Masonry Special Inspector is responsible for enforcing the construction details contained in the approved plans and

specifications for structural masonry elements of the building. The special inspector reviews the statement of special inspections and the approved plans and specifications, and verifies that structural masonry materials and placement of masonry, reinforcement, and grout are installed as shown and as specified in the approved plans and specifications. The special inspector is responsible for collecting samples of materials and for performing required tests. The special inspector is responsible for writing and submitting required reports, including reports of items that do not comply with the plans, to the building official, contractor, and/or registered design professional.

Reinforcing steel for walls, piers, columns, and similar vertical structures must be adequately supported to prevent overturning and collapse. Employers must take measures to prevent unrolled wire mesh from recoiling. Such measures may include, but are not limited to, securing each end of the roll or turning over the roll.

Prior to starting work, Our Masonry inspector shall verify the applicable conditions as set forth in ACI 530/530.1 and will include the followings.

Conformation that Site materials match approved samples and color, texture, grade and size and contain no defects such as chips, cracks, crazing, warps, kiln marks on face and size differentials, Except for tolerance as allowed by the appropriate ASTM Standards. Verify required types are available and comply with field materials.

Verify wall prisms are made at proper frequency and are properly stored, delivered, cured and tested, all as required.

Verify Layout of work, coursing and dimensions are as required or indicated. Confirm story-pole is used if required.

Confirm Joint size, type, tooling method and equipment are understood and produced.

Verify mortar is mixed as required and methods and equipment are suitable to produce the appropriate mix.

Verify indicated bonding patterns are provided, Verify uniform of laying.

Verify Cleanouts are provided as required.

Verify spacing between Wythe’s are of size required and kept free of excess droppings.

Verify reinforcement, anchors and ties are of type of material and size required and are installed as required.

Verify structural members to receive masonry are located, supported and anchored and have suitable attachments as required.

Verify pipes, conduits, sleeves and boxes are located, secured, protected, insulated and spaced as required.

Verify lifts of grout are poured in a timely sequence and as required. Generally observe bond beam filling and compaction methods, including consolidation. Note height limitations required for lifts.

Masonry Samples required:

Field Testing Mortar: Take at least three specimens of mortar each day. Spread a layer of mortar ½” to 5/8” thick on the masonry units and allow to stand for one minute. Prepare and test the specimens for compressive strength in accordance with ASTM C780. Submit Test Results.

Field Testing Grout: Sampling and testing of grout shall be I accordance with the applicable provisions of ASTMC1019. A minimum of three specimens of grout per day shall be sampled and tested.

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