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Special Inspection for Epoxy, San Diego


There are two major manufactures for chemical anchor fasteners Simpson’s and Hilti.

They both supply a wide range of High-Strength Epoxy adhesives formulated for anchoring and doweling in Concrete and Masonry construction.

Epoxy is formed from a two-part system with the resin and hardener being simultaneously dispensed and mixed through the mixing nozzle. When properly mixed, adhesive will be a uniform color for easy post-installation identification

The Engineer or City requires that epoxy placement be observed by a City Approved Special Inspector and may also be a requirement stated in the Approved Drawing, Specifications or Specific Product’s ICBO.

There are instances where an epoxy adhesive is specified in a construction project and where the use of the epoxy adhesive should not be considered a special case that is subject to Special Inspection requirements.

The Inspector prior to placement will verify the Epoxy Manufacture Installation Details including the Epoxy Type with Epoxy Expiration Date (ICC/ESR numbers) Per Approved Drawings and Specifications.

Special Inspection is required for All Epoxy Adhesives and are specified for the project and may include some of the following -

Retrofitting sill plate anchor bolts into existing concrete as required to comply with conventional construction requirements of the CBC.

Adhering reinforcing steel dowels provided to minimize differential settlement between new and existing foundations.

Adhering holdown anchor bolts used for Braced Wall or Alternate Braced Panel installations provided that there are no more than four (4) holdown anchor bolts per wall line (based on four wall lines (North, South, East and West elevations) per building).

Adhering holdown anchor bolts used for Shear Walls when the engineer provides calculations showing that the bolts are subject to less than 50% of the allowable loads for the anchor bolts.

When approved by the Building Official as an “Alternate materials, alternate design and methods of construction” in accordance with CBC Section 104.2.8.

Incidental uses of Epoxy Adhesives (not part of the load resisting structural system).

A Deputy Inspector does not need to be on-site while the holes are being drilled.

Drill all the holes prior to scheduling for inspection, Saving the Owner and Contractor Time and Money.

By following the next few steps the Special Inspection should be a No Problem!!!!!!

Insure that the correct size drill bit is in use as with Epoxy, always use a drill bit at least 1/8" larger in diameter than the size of the Anchor or Rebar Size that you will be placing in the hole.

Insure that the Hole depth matches with what the engineer requested in the details and approved plans (Note: The required embedment depth means into actual depth into the concrete or wall, this is not including wood sill plate, when epoxying anchor bolts).

Insure that every hole has been cleaned properly. Using a Hand Air Pump or Compressed Air with the use of a Wire Bottle Brush.

Rule of thumb - “Blow, Brush then Re-Blow” and your good to go!!!!

Our inspectors will ensure that all holes are free from any concrete dust, for sufficient bonding to the concrete or Masonry as required by all Manufactures Instructions. Set times varies on all job site with Material used and Weather Conditions. Allow sufficient time to set prior to Torqueing Bolts or Concrete Placement.

Please visit one of the sites below for more product information and Manufacture Installation Recommendations.

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Phone: (619)261-9022

Address: 3406 Texas Street

San Diego, CA, 92104.

Copyright King Inspection Services. 2017

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